Monday 3 December 2007

The explanatory blog

Ok so here goes the blog. It's to do a number of things and has taken longer to get going than I'd hoped but then so does most things :-)

Number one is to be a record for my chartership programme - to record professional development in the hope that, when I come to right it all up, I won;t have to be sifting through email accounts and cursing my poor diary keeping (as is normally the case with this kind of thing). I'll be tagging these with "chartership" and then subject related tags (if I can work out how to tag posts).

Number two is as a record for reading - hopefully an incentive to think about what I'm reading - the idea is to get 100 books read by 2009. Doesn't seem alot but as I read about 1 book for pleasure last year it's enough to be going on with. These will be tagged with "book" - well, duh!

Number three is just for general stuff really - music, films, what I'm up to - will be tagged randomly.

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