Sunday 28 March 2010

Kitchen makeover: Day 2

DSCF4299It's beer time on day 2 and we've moved from bomb site to crime scene today as all  the kitchen cupboards are now covered in plastic.

Today was the paint job. We were a bit late starting today and the hour change didn't help but once we got going we did alright.

After a breakfast of crumpets we got back to preparing the walls for painting. The more you look at them the more cracks and dents you find - after a while you just have to call it a day.

DSCF4310While I was waiting for the polyfilla to dry I decided to have a look at a cupboard that we're going to move. This actually went really well so that was a bonus little job done for the day. Another little side job was to have a go at turning the water off at the stopcock. We're putting in a new sink and tap in later in the week so I was a bit concerned that the stop-cock wouldn't work... but it's fine so that's another bonus!

The next job was to mask everything off and cover the cupboards with plastic. This actually took ages. So we didn't start painting until 15:00ish. Although the space is a bit pokey we decided to split the job so Radka did the ceilings and fiddly bits while I covered the bulk of the walls.

DSCF4300Decorating around the cupboards has been tricky and awkward but we've managed to get two coats on. We used Dulux Kitchen paint. This should be resistant to steam (which I think is why the old paint had been flaking off). It's also grease resistant and washable.

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